Inbound Release Platform for the declarant and logistics provider

As a declarant or logistics provider, you use the Inbound Release Platform (IRP) and the accompanying Import Consignment API to submit declarations for goods faster, more securely and efficiently and to gain a greater insight into the process at the port. That way, you can plan transport better.

Register your company

Do you wish to connect to the Inbound Release Platform? Register your company now via the link below. The IRP team will contact you afterwards to further finalize your connection.

Register now

Legal requirement

Over the course of 2024, the use of the PN/TS customs system will become mandatory for the maritime sector. This new system provides for digital registration and control of goods as they enter. 


The Inbound Release Platform helps companies interact with the PN/TS system to easily fulfil their legal obligations.

PN staat voor Presentation Notification (Kennisgeving van Aanbrengen) en TSD staat voor Temporary Storage Declaration (Aangifte Tijdelijke Opslag).


The platform allows the various players within the supply chain to share information securely and transparently


The platform offers the following benefits specifically for the declarant:

During the declaration process

  • A 'unique source of truth' in the new, more complex declaration process.
  • Make declarations faster and more efficiently through the reuse of data.
  • Fewer phone calls and e-mails to the import department of the shipping agent to request freight list information.
  • Fewer write-off errors thanks to cross-checking of freight list data.
  • Possibility to automate the pre-lodged declaration process.
  • Transparancy of the inbound port process.

During transport planning

  • Real time information on the loading of your shipment, customs controls, etc.
  • Earlier and more efficient planning of your pick-up at the terminal.
  • Possibility to automate your (multimodal) tansport planning by linking the Inbound Release Platform to your transport management system (TMS).

A detailed technical implementation guide for the PN/TS customs system can be found here:

Consult the guide


The production sheet and checklist for monitoring whether all the important steps relating to onboarding have been followed can be found here:

An overview of all relevant information about, among other things, the benefits of the platform, onboarding and pricing.

IRP product sheet for customs representatives & logistic service providers

An overview of all relevant information about, among other things, the benefits of the platform, onboarding and pricing.
An overview of the entire onboarding process.

Onboarding checklist

An overview of the entire onboarding process.

How to use the Import Consignment API?

As hinterlant stakeholder you get access to the data in the Inbound Release Platform via the Import Consignment API. To do this, follow these five steps:


  • Subscribe to your shipment's data.
  • Retreive (adjusted) data and updates automatically xhenever the ship agent enters or changes the TS declaration.
  • Be informed in real time of the unloading of the shipment at the terminal.
  • Receive information on any applicable customs controls.
  • Receive the Customs Status Release message at the same time as the ship agent and terminal.

Register your company

Do you wish to connect to the Inbound Release Platform? Register your company now via the link below. The IRP team will contact you afterwards to further finalize your connection.

Register now

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